Ms Natalya Kurtschenko
Ms Natalya Kurtschenko Practice Manager

Queensland Physician Care (QPC) has been offering quality medical services since its inception in 2017. Four physicians established QPC with extensive experience working across the leading teaching hospitals locally and overseas. Their vision was to provide uninterrupted high-quality medical care for patients when they most need it.

Since then, QPC has pioneered and set up a medical care model for physicians to deliver 24/7 care for patients within the Wesley Hospital infrastructure.

The QPC has now grown to now grown to 13 Physicians, 1 Neurologist, 2 Psychiatrists and 1 Endocrinologist.

Our group of physicians at Queensland Physician care are highly trained locally and have extensive experience in general medicine, acute medicine, eating disorders, peri operative medicine, geriatric medicine.

All of our physicians provide care to our patients both as inpatients and outpatients.

QPC’s Peri Operative program was pioneered by Dr Kylie Johnson. This program works closely with our surgeons to assess referred patients for a full health review before your procedures. Seeing a physician prior to surgery and throughout your stay in hospital is paramount to ensure any conditions are detected early and managed to decrease the potential of any complications. This aids for better outcomes and recovery.

QPC’s Renourish Program was pioneered by Dr Caroline Summers. This program provides a private inpatient refeeding service for voluntary patients who have become medically unstable as a result of their eating disorder.
The aim is to medically stabilise patients so they may have the best chance to safely engage with their community team and to ensure that they have the best chance to move forward with both their physical and psychological recovery.
Admission criteria are in keeping with the Queensland Eating Disorder Service (QuEDS) Guidelines for admission and inpatient treatment.

QPC’s Geriatricians conduct a comprehensive assessment of the patient to help them understand your physicial and medical condition as well as your social situation. Discussions with family members can also be conducted. As most of these patients have complex health needs. They might have many medical problems and use different types of medicine. They are also more likely to be frail, to have falls, and to have conditions like dementia or heart disease. Our Geriatricians have expertise in dealing with people who have multiple conditions. Some of them specialise areas, including dementia and rehabilitation.

We help manage various conditions such as;

  • Dementia and other cognitive problems
  • Problems with mobility and frailty
  • Incontinence
  • Nutrition
  • Medicines
  • Other medical issues

All the above programs at Queensland Physician Care provide a patient centric model to care of our patients and improve lives.

Ms Natalya Kurtschenko
Practice Manager



Monday – Thursday 8am – 4pm
Friday 8am – 2pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed



Our four directors are the founding members of Queensland Physician Care. They continue to dedicate time and tend to more patients, deliver high-quality outcomes, and provide a collegial working environment for physicians and others.

Dr Kylie Johnson
Dr Kylie JohnsonPhysician
General Medicine
Perioperative Medicine
Practice Director
Dr Shanthi Kanagarajah
Dr Shanthi KanagarajahGeriatrician
Acute medicine
Practice Director
Dr Caroline Summers
Dr Caroline SummersPhysician
Eating Disorders
General Medicine
Perioperative Medicine
Practice Director
Dr Elizabeth Waldie
Dr Elizabeth WaldieGeriatrician
Acute Medicine
Practice Director

Our Values

Our mission is to improve our patient’s health and guide them to the life they want to live.
Our vision is to provide high-quality medical care for patients 24/7, at their convenience, and close to their homes.
We promise to provide state-of-the-art scientific knowledge and clinical expertise to diagnose, treat, and provide compassionate care for adults from health to complex illness.

Expert Healthcare

Through their extensive training and using their work experience, our physicians see the big picture of complex health issues. QPC physicians specialise in adult and geriatric medicine and are known to solve diagnostic problems, manage severe long-term illnesses and assist chronic conditions. QPC physicians provide comprehensive care with a long-term view of their patients. The recommendations and the treatments they provide are based on individual patients and their unique situations.

Our physicians help:

  • To analyse, interpret from various data sources
  • Diagnose problems and develop unique treatment plans for patient’s optimal health outcomes
  • To Assist other Doctors (within the Wesley Hospital, Brisbane Private Hospital and General Practitioners) help solve and improve patient issues.